Every once in a while its nice to write something deserving of the "Minutiae" title, and this post achieves that. A few months back my brother John, who often sends me emails when there is a question of identifying art, forwarded me something that was being advertised on Heritage Auctions. It was page 13 of Journey into Mystery # 88, an early Thor story, drawn by Kirby and inked by Dick Ayers. It's always a treat to look at original art pages, especially (for me) studying the border notes by Kirby and others, as well as Stan's production notes to Sol Brodsky. This page was particularly intriguing because it includes a panel that was changed before publication. Original art to Journey into Mystery # 88, Jan 1963, Kirby pencils;Ayers inks Close-up of Thor panel by Kirby There have been numerous instances where Stan requested art corrections or alterations, so that was no big surprise. I put the page away and intended to co...