In the Summer of 1964 Marvel produced it's first compilation of super-hero reprints, reviving the name of a long running title: Originally beginning as Marvel Comics, Martin Goodman's first foray into comic books in 1939, the title changed to Marvel Mystery Comics with its second issue, featuring the original Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, the Angel, Vision and other characters until issue # 92, June 1949. In the following issue Marvel Mystery Comics became Marvel Tales , reflecting the change in content to horror/mystery and running until issue # 157, August 1957. Fred Kida cover art to the final issue, Image from the Grand Comic Book Database. Seven years later, either Editor Stan Lee or Publisher Martin Goodman decided to revive the name once again, using the same logo design, and returning the title to its superhero roots. Just three years earlier Fantastic Four # 1 proved a success, and costumed characters began taking over the monster-anthology titles. ...