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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2014

Alan Class unaltered Atlas/Marvel covers

Alan Class was a publisher in the UK who reprinted American comics from approximately 1961-1989. Titles such as Creepy Worlds, Sinister Tales, Secrets of the Unknown and Uncanny Tales included an array of content, licensed from companies including ACG, Charlton, Archie/Radio Comics and Atlas/Marvel. His comics line was not dated allowing titles to be continuously reissued over the years. For a more thorough account of Class' line please check this blog: This link to the Grand Comic Book Database will connect you to all of Alan Class' titles: Class reprinted a mixture of Atlas/Marvel material, primarily mystery/monster and superhero: everything from Tales of Suspense to Amazing Spider-Man . A fascinating discovery is that some of the cover art they used was on occasion taken from unaltered stats Marvel sent them.  Before final publication covers were often tinkered wi...

The Early Days of Fandom:Jeddak

Jeddak was a fanzine produced in the early 1960's, a response to the renewed popularity of costumed heroes in comic books. Inspired by G. B. Love's fanzine Rockets Blast, Paul Moslander decided to put together a fanzine of his own. Like many of his brethren, Moslander was captivated by the recent Marvel line of heroes with their fresh outlook and dynamic energy. Marvel, however, was not their sole concern; Jeddak's diverse content included articles and news on the comic's industry, original prose stories and in particular, fantasy and science fiction, as per its title (J eddak originated from  a word invented by Edgar Rice Burrough's in his  John Carter of   Mars  books, meaning "Emperor" in Martian language).                                                      Jeddak II, September 1963 spotlights Timely's top heroes. Dan C...