It's no secret that Bill Everett had trouble meeting deadlines. While the credits to the Sub-Mariner story in Tales to Astonish # 87 read "Illustration:Wild Bill Everett" clearly other artists are involved. Comic book credits of earlier decades can often be deceiving due to the production method. The story would first be penciled, then lettered and sent off to the inker - or the presumed inker. The letterer would add the name that Stan Lee provided, but sometimes another inker would be substituted at the last minute after the credits were lettered. The new inker would occasionally add his own name, or someone in production might correct the credits, but there are numerous instances when the printed comic book had erroneous credits. These mistakes were sometimes acknowledged in future letter columns; other times they were forgotten and have remained in print for decades. Over the years I've noticed the Sub-Mariner lead story in Astonish # 87 ("Moment of Truth!...