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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2016

The Chic Stone Age of Comics!

For a period of time in the 1960s Chic Stone’s inking over Jack Kirby's pencils epitomized the look of the Marvel Comics Group. Stone however, was no newcomer to the field, having worked for a succession of publishers dating back to 1939, including Marvel’s earliest incarnation, Timely Comics. This amusing Fantastic Four pin-up appeared in FF # 34, January 1965. Pencils by Jack Kirby, lettering by Artie Simek.   Charles Eber Stone was born on January 4 th , 1923 in New York City. Starting from his childhood days Stone had an affinity for drawing and was absorbed by the Sunday color comic pages, studying the work of everyone from Milton Caniff to Rube Goldberg. At 16 he got his first break, working for the Will Eisner/Jerry Iger comics shop which supplied stories to various publishers. As an office boy Stone was given the usual apprenticeship tasks, including erasing pencil lines on the original art, making corrections and getting the comics ready for publication. Stone soon got an ...