Tie-Ins Toy Story #1 Either I’m in a bad mood or this comic is extremely lazy “Untitled” Adaptation – Bob Foster Letters – John Costanza Book Designer – Sheryl O’Connell Editor – Hildy Mesnic Editor Director – Katy Dobbs December 1996 This is the ultimate in cash-in books. By that I mean that aside from Bob Foster having to cut the movie content down to where it will fit into two issues and poor John Costanza having to letter this 23 page mess, there is little actual work that went into this comic. Let me spin this back just a bit. When I was a kid, I loved Sci-Fi movies. And I was a Collector. So when Alien came out, I was in HOG-FRICKEN HEAVEN with the number of books that were out about Alien. I got the movie program, Walt Simonson’s Alien: The Illustrated Story, Alan Dean Foster’s Alien novelization… …and the Alien Photonovel, edited by Richard J. Anobile (Avon 1979) The book was MASSIVE, containing stills from the movie and clocking in at 192 pages. I loved that book, as it...