Superhero vs Superhero Superman #20 Superman vs Orion? It’s Big Picture Time in the New 52 DC Universe “WHAM!” Writer – Scott Lobdell Art – Aaron Kuder Letters – Rob Leigh Colors – Blond Assistant Editor – Anthony Marques Editor – Eddie Berganza July 2013 Ahh, the quickly and better forgotten adventures of the New 52 Superman. Not really my cup of tea, this Superman or this version of reality. DC rebooted its universe after Flashpoint and the result was the New 52. In all there were some good stories that came from this era, but overall the mess they made of things was kind of forgettable. And many of the characters were altered or revamped in ways that made them less interesting and missed key aspects of their personalities. Especially Superman. The initial arc by Grant Morrison had some interesting story elements but took the character too far in a direction I never wanted to see him go. I feel having Morrison write a different take on the character was a mistake. Morrision wrote ...