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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

Marvel Comics Presents #18

Christmas 2018 Marvel Comics Presents #18 Half a review for half a book about Christmas When Marvel Comics Presents popped onto the scene in 1988, I had to buy it. The cover story was Wolverine and that first book contained three other favorites: Man-Thing, Shang Chi, and Silver Surfer. And once you bought one issue of the anthology, you were hooked in for the long haul, as that Wolvie story drug on for ten issues. And issue ten featured part one of a Colossus story…which hooked you for the next eight issues, while starting alongside it, around Part Three there began a multipart Black Panther story running for… You get the picture? Once you were suckered into Marvel Comics Presents, there was no easy way off the train. You could jump, sure! But you would miss the ending of one story or another and ten feet down the track would probably come a creator or character you wanted to read…and back on you’d find yourself. I don’t remember liking any of the multipart stories all that much. See...

Krampus #1

Christmas 2018 Krampus #1 Meet the Lobo of Christmas "Untitled” Writer – Brian Joines Artist – Dean Kotz Letterer – Charles Pritchett Colorist – Ron Filey December 2013 Here’s a fun little series to peruse as you sip mulled wine by a nice toasty fire this Christmas Eve. It stars over a baker’s dozen of Santa stand-ins as well as that nasty-to-top-all-Christmas-nasties. NO, I am not talking about that damn Elf on the Shelf. I mean Krampus, you Johnny-come-latelies. Certainly, he’s grown in popularity in the last few years, what with that big budget movie affair a few years ago. Mostly though, he still is thought of as a European only kind of thing. His legend has it that Krampus is one of the companions of Saint Nicholas (the original Santa Claus) who was in charge of punishing the wicked children who misbehaved during the year. I love how Central European is a study in absolutes: either children are good and get presents or they are bad and get coal/swatted with Ruten bundles (bi...