Halloween 2019 Post-A-Day 1 Horror-ible and Tie-ins Battlestar Galactica #10 Kicking Halloween off with a scary giant space testicle "This Planet Hungers” Writer – Tom DeFalco Pencils – Pat Broderick Inker – Barreto & Marcos Colorist – Ben Sean Letterer – John Costanza Editor – Allen Milgrom Editor-in-Chief – Jim Shooter December 1979 No, I haven’t died. I mean, I could easily see why you would think that. However, it isn’t remotely the case. I think. I think I’m still alive. Maybe someone should check on me just in case though? I might be mistaken. Not that it would matter in October because this month is Halloween post-a-day and even being dead won’t allow me to stop the post train from rolling down the tracks. “Whoo-whoo, mothertrucker!” Our first stop this pumpkin-spice season is the depths of outer space, as the Crapbox travels back to my yesteryear and a little-loved yet fondly remembered version of the show called Battlestar Galactica. The Crapbox may have visited this...