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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2018

Shaun of the Dead #2

Halloween 2018 Post-A-Day: Day 1 Horror-ible and Tie-ins Shaun of the Dead #2 One of my all-time Favorite movies gets an adaptation "Part 2” Screenplay – Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright Adaptation – Chris Ryall Artist – Zach Howard Colorist – Thompson Knox Letterer – Robbie Robins Editor – Dan Taylor July 2005 Shaun of the Dead is one of those perfect movies. It hits all the right story beats, combines comedy, drama, and horror in an effective manner, visually stimulates with carefully crafted and timed shots that underpin the tale in interesting way, and it’s British. I unreservedly love this movie. Happening across this adaption of it in the bargain bin made for moments of giddy finger-wiggling followed by minutes of worried trepidation as I added it to my stack of pulls. The problem with loving a property this much is that translating it between mediums is a tricky business. Following the property in a slavish manner can end up draining the energy and life from the work. Allowing ...


Hiatus! The Crapbox is out this week as we get ready for the Halloween season Sorry about the missing week here folks! As many of you are aware, Halloween is a holiday near and dear to old Son of Cthulhu's heart. That means horror comics get reviewed and a lot of them. 31 comics, to be exact. That's right! We are off this week to prepare for Halloween 2018 POST-A-DAY , a month long celebration of horror comics that we simply could not do without some prep time.  We hope to see all of you back here October 1st for some spooky and crappy horror books that we will try our best to derive some enjoyment out of. One way or another.  See you then!