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More on Big Boy, Brodsky and Lee

I emailed Stan Lee with a few questions on the NAACP comic, Big Boy and Brodsky's involvement, and while Stan didn't recall if he was involved in the NAACP comic, he had this to say about Big Boy:

I wrote, Marvel published BIG BOY Comics.  Later, Marvel stopped and Sol ( or someone else?)  took over the publishing,. I don't think I wrote any of those.

I believe Stan meant that Sol took over the packaging, not publishing, since it was only distributed to the Big Boy restaurant chains, not sold in stores, but note he did not say Martin Goodman packaged or published the later Big Boy's. While Stan says he doesn't think he wrote the later stories (1957 until around 1964) I suspect he did work on some of them; certainly the cover copy on many issues reads very much like his gags for the humor strips he wrote. I ordered a Big Boy comic through Ebay; when it arrives I'll try to decipher if Stan was involved in the story.

I mentioned to Stan that I thought Sol was not only a decent artist and inker, but an important contributor to early Marvel; someone Stan could rely on to get the work out and make sure everything ran smoothly (and also understood all aspects of the business). Stan replied:  
 Sol helped me with layouts and by getting photos for books like GOLFERS ANONYMOUS and BLUSHING BLURBS which I myself published.
Sol  was a tremendously great help to me as a layout man and production man and all-around assistant. He was the very best.    
I wish Sol Brodsky was still alive to ask these questions to (and so many others about Marvel's early days), but some of the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
More on Big Boy, and certainly Sol Brodsky, in future Blog Posts....  

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More Kirby War: Battle

For my 50th post (I never thought I'd make it this far!) I will examine the 10 stories Jack Kirby produced for Battle , an Atlas comic that originated in 1951 and ceased publication in 1960.   In 1959, concurrent with his output on monster, western and romance stories, Kirby was assigned a number of compelling war stories. Based on a thorough reading it appears that Kirby scripted as well as drew many of the pre-1960 stories (an examination of possible scripts in other genre stories will appear at a later date). There are many similarities in style, tone, emphasis of words, phrases, use of quotation marks and sound effects that point to Kirby’s input. I will focus on these patterns as I go through each story.     "Action on Quemoy!" Battle # 64, June 1959, Jack Kirby story ? Kirby pencils; Christopher Rule inks, Job # T-266. The opening narration is similar to the style Kirby often employed; a long paragraph of exposition (which would be seen...

The Good Guys

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Just a short note:

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